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Alyssa Rushton Staff Photo

Supply List 



Elementary School



        3 pkg. of Clorox wipes

        3 pkg. plain yellow #2 pencils Ticonderoga* pencils sharpen the best

        2 boxes of crayons (any size)

        2 packs of glue sticks

        1 backpack (please put name inside) clear

        1 pair of scissors

        3 composition notebooks blue black and red

        3 boxes of facial tissue ***

        2 packs of loose leaf notebook paper

____1 28 oz bottle of hand sanitizer

____2 plastic or laminated folders with pocket (blue and red)

____1 bottle of Lysol

____1 clip board

____1 pack of expo dry erases markers

____3 packs of paper towels

____2 packs of index cards with a ring

____2 abc writing tablets

____1 sharpie (black)

____1 pair of either headphones or earbuds

____1 box of gallon zip lock bags

____2 packs of copy paper

____1 binder for morning work



* Ticonderoga pencils are the best.  Low price pencils are difficult to sharpen 

***These items are for the class.  They are collected and distributed as needed.  All other items should have student’s name on them especially their coats.